The chattering around Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday will increase even more as the rumoured couple were spotted for another vacay. That’s right! Only recently, the two were spotted at the Mumbai airport and fans speculated if they were heading for another romantic getaway. And well, well, well, we got to know where they headed to. We recently came across a video on social media where Aditya and Ananya were spotted together at the Goa airport. And the internet is tripping at it right now.
In the video, both Ananya and Aditya are twinning in white as they are returning from their Goa vacation. Both of them are seen covering their face with masks while they make their way inside the airport. The Gehraiyaan actor is also seen handing over the passport or phone to Aditya. Though they have not admitted their relationship officially, their public appearances are adding more fuel to the fire. It is quite certain that Aditya and Ananya are dating for real.
Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday spotted at the airport
For the airport outing, The Night Manager actor is seen wearing a white full-sleeved t-shirt with black jeans. Whereas Ananya wore a white crop top along with blue jeans.
Aditya and Ananya dating life
Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur at Lakme Fashion Week
Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur walked the ramp at Lakme Fashion Week and their chemistry was on point.
Back in July, the rumoured lovebirds were spotted having a ball time in Spain where they went to attend a concert. However, some pictures from their trip went viral on social media. But the internet was set on fire when their cosy pictures went viral. The relationship was confirmed after Aditya and Ananya Panday were spotted chilling and hugging together. In one of the pictures, the two were even kissing each other. The viral pictures asserted that they are the new couple in town.
Also read: EXCLUSIVE: Ananya Panday’s tag for rumoured boyfriend Aditya Roy Kapur has Ranbir Kapoor connection- Find out