Shreyas Talpade, who is best known for comedy roles in some notable movies suffered a near-fatal heart-attack recently. During the tough times, actor’s wife Deepti Talpade stood by him like a pillar of strength and he acknowledged it in the sweetest way. Now, in a recent interview, Deepti Talpade talked about that tough time and shared how some industry friends, along with Akshay Kumar were constantly checking upon Shreyas Talpade’s health.
Deepti Talpade on how Akshay Kumar kept calling for Shreyas Talpade’s health update
In a recent interview, Deepti stated, “When the news broke out, Shreyas’ director Ahmed Khan and his wife came to the hospital at 11 pm. They were with me. Akshay Kumar, you know he kept calling me and asked, ‘Deepti should we shift him? You tell, we will shift him to a different hospital.’ He again called me in the morning and said, ‘let me please see him for two minutes. I just want to see him.’ I said, ‘you can come whenever you want.’ Hindi and Marathi film industry was there that day for us.”
For the unversed, Shreyas Talpade suffered a heart attack on 14th December while he was shooting for Welcome to the Jungle. He was rushed to Mumbai’s Bellevue Hospital where he underwent an angioplasty. After the incident, Shreyas revealed he was clinically dead and this is his second chance at life. Sharing his health update after the discharge, Deepti Talpade had also shared a heartfelt note thanking fans for praying for him.
On the work front, Shreyas will next be seen in Welcome to the Jungle, also starring Akshay. He also has Kangana Ranaut’s directorial – Emergency in which he will play the role of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Shreyas Talpade names the Bollywood actor he wants to be a part of the Ajay Devgn led Golmaal franchise