Alia Bhatt is currently gearing up for her Hollywood debut in Netflix’s film Heart Of Stone. In the upcoming movie, the actress will be sharing the screen with Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan. Our excitement has reached its peak for this weekend, as Alia will be portraying a role unlike any she has taken on before. Alia Bhatt and her co-star Gal Gadot have developed a close bond over time. Now, a fun video has come to light where Alia Bhatt can be seen teaching Gal to speak in Telugu.
A recent video interview with Wired has surfaced online, featuring Alia Bhatt teaching Gal Gadot how to speak Telugu. For those unfamiliar, Alia starred in the movie RRR, alongside Ram Charan and Jr NTR, where picked up some phrases in the language. In the video, Alia, Gal, and Jamie are addressing some of the most searched questions on Google.
Alia Bhatt teaches Gal Gadot to speak in Telugu
One of the questions read by Gal was, “Does Alia Bhatt speak Telugu?” Alia responded that she isn’t completely fluent in the language but knows a couple of sentences. Gal encouraged Alia to share a few sentences. The Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani actress readily agreed and even taught them the phrase “Andariki Namaskaram. Meeku naa muddulu,” which translates to “Hello, everyone. My kisses to you all.” While Gal managed to say “Andariki Namaskaram,” Jamie also joined in on the fun as they all shared a light-hearted language learning moment.
Watch the video here:
Alia Bhatt teaching Telugu to Gal Gadot was not on my 2023 Bingo card pic.twitter.com/nsr7UJfwIL
— sagar (@alianator07) August 7, 2023
Heart of Stone marks Alia’s first time playing an antagonist in her career. In addition, this is also the first time she doing an action-packed movie. We can’t wait for this weekend just to see Bollywood’s beloved to shine in Hollywood.
Directed by Tom Harper, Heart of Stone also stars Sophie Okonedo and Matthias Schweighofer. film is slated to release on 11 August 2023, on Netflix.
Also Read: Gal Gadot is all praises for Heart of Stone co-star Alia Bhatt, says, ‘she’s always blunt’