Art Director Nitin Desai’s tragic death left the Bollywood industry into a shock. Earlier on Wednesday, the director passed way by suicide in his studios in Khalapur. The reason of his suicide stands unknown. However, a video recording and a letter has been found by the police regarding the loss of Nitin Chandrakant Desai.
Police finds a letter and a recording regarding the untimely death of Nitin Desai
According to ETimes source, “It was planned properly by ND. Last night he took all the keys from the security and told his boy to leave him alone at the Studio as he has some important work to be done. ND came to see him off the gate and asked him to come next morning around 8:30 am. He also asked him to see the recording which he said he will find in Studio at 10.”
“At night, on the sets of Marathi Pavool Padte Pudhe, Studio number 10, he drew a bow and arrow with sutli, he placed a ladder on the bow and arrow, and hung himself.”
Speaking about the recording, the famous art director had also mentioned not to take away ND studios away from him. It was also mentioned that he wanted his last rites to be performed at studio number 10.
Bollywood celebs mourn the loss of Nitin Desai
Nitin Chandrakant Desai has his work celebrated far and wide with film like Jodha Akbar, Devdas and Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam. The director worked in his last project which included Panipat and Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo. The art directors’ untimely demise has left a void in the Bollywood industry, several B-town celebs mourn his tragic loss. Renowned Bollywood celebs including Sanjay Dutt, Hema Malini, Akshay Kumar, Parineeti Chopra and Abhishek Bachchan among others shared their memories on social media, mourning the loss of the iconic art director.
Also read: Nitin Desai Death: Sanjay Dutt, Abhishek Bachchan, Parineeti Chopra & others mourn the art director’s demise