February 17, 2025
Chandrakant Wadkar Ancient Watch Daler nominated for watch world Award.

The watch is a piece of history that is always with us. The watch that is on your wrist (if you have one) is the product of thousands of years of study and development; among the earliest civilizations to create and employ timepieces were the Sumerians and the Egyptians. Since then, every single culture or population in every region has begun to create tools and systems to track the passage of time. The original watches made use of candle consumption as well as sun, water, and sand movement. Modern watches are the direct result of that effort and the numerous tales and narratives that came along with it.

 Watchmakers play a whole important role in the art of carrying timed devices. Mr. Chandrakant Wadkar dedicated his whole life towards this artisan. His goal was to express his own interpretation of haute horology through the fusion of artisanal, traditional, and modern design elements.

Discover Diamond and Watches is one such brand that is still a renowned name in Mira Road, Mumbai that has been there for over 10 years. The brand saw a stratospheric growth as a result of its avant-garde and instantly recognisable design language, as well as its utilisation of components and methods adapted from the fields of aviation and motor racing.

He gives his watches a unique touch. The watchmakers go to considerable measures to assure a watch’s longevity, breaking with the throwaway mentality. Watchmakers always collaborate with other professionals in interdisciplinary teams in the labs, production steps, and after-sales services. The manufacturing watchmaker makes sure the watch fits the specifications outlined in the design phase while components like bridges, plates, gears, balance wheels, miniscule screws, and the tiny hairsprings are so meticulously made during the manufacturing process.

They offer technical assistance at every turn. They must perform quality checks throughout the various processes, analyse the results, make suggestions for improvements, and assist with the training of the assembly staff as part of their duties. The watchmakers make sure that production complies with the predetermined specifications created earlier and satisfies the exacting quality standards of the brand.

Watchmakers contribute their knowledge to the creative process from the very first sketches, actively participating, for instance, in the development of the assembly and lubrication plans. In order to bring the prototypes to life and see them through to production, they put them together using components created by the micromechanics teams. They run tests for accelerated ageing and dependability. All the performance metrics that would ultimately determine model acceptance are developed by them. The staff that will assemble the watch during the industrialization phase is trained when a new model is introduced.

Mr. Chandrakant Wadkar is very passionate for his work he loves watches and the art of making them. That makes their product special and unique. Customers have always loved and appreciated the brand and repeatedly buy watches from them. The Reviews from the consumers have been really great. The Brand Discover Diamon and Watches is reaching every height a business can acquire.


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