On Tuesday, actor Kriti Sanon announced her production house, Blue Butterfly Films. While some fans were rejoicing, there were some who found a connection with late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. As per fans, Kriti Sanon production house name is connected to her Raabta co-star Sushant Singh Rajput. How?
Well, eagle-eyed fans noticed that Sushant used to use blue butterfly emoji a lot. Fans feel that Kriti might be giving an ode to him. We went through some Reddit comments where a user shared a screenshot of Sushant’s comment, explaining the significance of it. Earlier, a fan had asked the Dil Bechara actor about him using blue butterfly emoji. Sushant revealed that the ‘blue butterfly’ signifies the emergence, the inevitable, the resonance. He also called ‘blue butterfly’ magical.
Sushant Singh Rajput explains ‘blue butterfly’ meaning
Seeing this, fans are convinced that Kriti Sanon must be paying a special tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput. A user wrote, “Kriti’s new production house name: blue butterfly films. Sushant used a lot of (butterfly emoji) in his posts and comments. Kriti has a (butterfly emoji) in her bio. Not sure if it’s something they both shared with each other but this seems deliberate on her part to remember him.”
While another one said, “I noticed that too man, I think she really, truly loved him.” One commented, “Love this as a tribute, if it is. Subtle, classy.”
Fans’ reaction to Kriti Sanon’s production house name
On Tuesday, the Mimi actor announced her own production house. She wrote, “And Its time to shift the gear! I’ve been in this magical industry living my dreams for 9years. I’ve taken baby steps, learnt, evolved & grown into the actor I am today! I absolutely lovvvee every bit and aspect of film-making. And now, its time to do more, to be more, to learn more, to tell more stories that touch my heart and hopefully yours too. Here’s to constantly evolving and finding the most beautiful version of yourself. Beyond excited to finallyyyy start BLUE BUTTERFLY FILMS with a full heart and big dreams!!”
Right after the announcement, she announced her first production film, Do Patti with Kajol.
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