Producer Madhu Mantena recently tied the knot with Ira Trivedi. They have even shared their wedding pictures which looked lovely. Several Bollywood celebs were seen attending the mehendi ceremony and well, we got to see the same at their wedding reception as well. Actor Hrithik Roshan arrived at the party with his girlfriend Saba Azad and they looked quite adorable. While Hrithik Roshan looked dapper in a black suit, Saba Azad exuded Punjabi kudi vibes. She wore a blush pink salwar suit but, her paranda just added more elegance to her look.
On the other hand, Aamir Khan was also among many to attend Madhu Mantena and Ira Trivedi’s wedding reception. He wore an off-white kurta along with a hairband and nerdy glasses. We also got to see Sara Ali Khan wearing a simple pink salwar kurta. She looked quite pretty in her desi look.
Take a look at the celebs at the wedding reception:
We also got to see the Double XL stars Sonakshi Sinha, Huma Qureshi and Zaheer Iqbal at the event. All of them looked best in their ethnic wear.
Kartik Aaryan made a dapper entry at the reception party. Wearing a navy blue suit, Kartik can easily give girls sleepless nights.
Genelia D’Souza made an appearance at the event sans her husband Riteish Deshmukh. She looked lovely in the navy blue ensemble.
Rakul Preet Singh and her boyfriend Jackky Bhagnani looked like a power couple. Both of them were dressed to the T and we totally loved them.
Fardeen Khan was also seen marking his presence with his suave look. After the weight loss transformation, Khan has been making several media appearances.
Sunny Leone arrived at the event with her husband Daniel Webber and kids – Noah, Asher and Nisha. They all were dressed in ethnic wear and it was picture-perfect.
Also read: Aamir Khan, Hrithik Roshan, RajKummar Rao-Patralekhaa attend Madhu Mantena and Ira Trivedi’s mehendi ceremony in style