Actor Rohit Bose Roy who is also the brother of Ronit Roy is one of the talented actors in Bollywood. The actor has delivered stellar performances in Television shows as well as Bollywood movies. However, during an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble, Rohit mentioned that he experienced a lull in his career but Kaabil boosted his career. He revealed that Kaabil helped his career as he was recieving good responses from the fans. His career was in such a bad phase where he revealed he thought of doing something else.
Rohit Roy talks about the bad and good phase of his career
Rohit told us, “I’m very grateful to God and the audience of course that I’m going through this phase. 2016 changed everything for me with the coming of Kaabil and the responses I have recieved. I have always known to be the good actor and they have always known me as an dependable actor and none of my films were working. In 2014, I used say there’s a lull in my career which scared the hell out of me. I thought I should be doing something else but in my life, there’s nothing such as abort sign. So everything changed for the better in 2016 and this is probably the golden phase of my career. Workwise, I’m doing interesting things, newer things. In 2019, just before the pandemic struck, I did a Hindi film, Bengali film, a Gujarati film, a English film and theatrical production. So no body has done that in the world and you (the host) reminded me of that. I’m happy that I’m going through that phase of my career.“
Watch the full interview here
Also read: EXCLUSIVE: Rohit Bose Roy opens up on quitting Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 after suffering a back injury