After having a constantly rising collection at the box office, Fighter recently drew attention to a legal problem. India’s biggest aerial action drama, directed by Siddharth Anand, was praised for the performances by the leading actors, namely Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor. It also attracted attention recently after an IAF officer raised concerns, asserting that the depiction of the intimate moment, especially in the military attire context, is seen as disrespectful to the honour and sanctity associated with the uniform.
Siddharth Anand on getting legal notice to Fighter
Furthermore, the conversation was heightened as the characters were portrayed as members of an elite Indian Air Force team. A publication asked Siddharth Anand about the legal notice by an Air Force officer from Assam, Saumya Deep Das. She was the one who claimed that the particular kissing scene was an insult to the IAF. To which, Siddharth said, “I am glad to answer this question. This film is in complete conjunction with the IAF. IAF has been a co-collaborator on the film and has been a huge associate partner on our film. This film has gone through meticulous procedures with the IAF. Right from the submission of the script to the production planning, viewing the film before the censor, watching it again at the IAF, reviewing the film after the censor, and then giving us a physical copy of the NOC No Objection Certificate.“
“After that, we got the certificate. We got the censor certificate. Then, we showed the entire film to everyone in the Air Force, including the Air Force Chief, Mr. Chaudhary, and over 100 Air Marshals from across the country. We called them and hosted a screening for them one day before the film’s release in Delhi, and they gave us a standing ovation.“
Directed by Siddharth Anand and presented by Viacom18 Studios in association with Marflix Pictures, Fighter epitomizes cinematic brilliance. This film seamlessly intertwines heart-thumping action and patriotic fervour, promising an unparalleled cinematic experience. The Fighter is now running in the theatres.
Also read: Siddharth Anand claims Hrithik Roshan starrer Fighter failed as ‘90% Indians haven’t flown in planes’