Late actor Sridevi is remembered by everyone today as it is her birth anniversary. On this day, not just her fans but Sridevi is deeply missed by her daughters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor along with her husband Boney Kapoor. On the birth anniversary of Sridevi, Janhvi Kapoor penned down a heartfelt note remembering her late mother. She shared an unseen throwback pic of Sridevi with her mother while wishing for the same moment in real life.
Janhvi wrote that if she was here then Sridevi ji would have pushed her hard enough to do good work. Or she would have felt happy to see them trying. Saying that she is still with them, Janhvi Kapoor said her mother Sridevi ji is one reason for them to keep going.
Janhvi Kapoor pens a beautiful note for her mother
The Bawaal actor wrote, “Happy birthday Mumma. I know this was one of your favourite places to be, on a film set with your mumma. And today as I’m on a set on your birthday I wish more than ever I had you with me like this. So we could convince everyone it was actually your 35th and not 60th birthday. And you could tell me if I’m myself pushing hard enough or not. And I could see in your eyes if I was making you proud. I know you’d be happy seeing us try, in your memory. Every day. I love you, you are the most special woman on this planet. And I know you’re with us still. You’re the reason we keep going. Hope you’re having lots of payasam and ice creams and caramel custards today.”
Sridevi with her mother
Image credit: Janhvi Kapoor Instagram
Boney Kapoor remember late wife Sridevi
Producer Boney Kapoor shared a throwback picture with the Mr India actor and captioned, “Happy birthday.” The picture seemed to be from their honeymoon.
Even Google paid a lovely tribute to the late veteran star with a special doodle dedicated to her on-screen charisma. Sridevi died on February 24, 2018, and her death news shocked the entire nation. She reportedly died by accidental drowning in a hotel room in Dubai.
Also read: EXCLUSIVE: Janhvi Kapoor on mom & dad Sridevi & Boney Kapoor’s relationship: They set the bar really high