Bollywood is all set to see a fresh pair in John Abraham and Sharvari Wagh as they will star in Vedaa. On Wednesday, John and Sharvari took to their respective Instagram account and announced their new venture which Nikkhil Advani helms. The film officially commenced its shoot in Rajasthan on 20th June. It promised the audiences a thrilling experience filled with high-octane sequences and gripping action. John is touted to take on the role of a mentor, guiding and training Sharvari’s character.
John took to his Instagram and dropped some pictures, captioning, “Lights, camera, and action! Vedaa hits the floors. Get ready to witness adrenaline-pumping action in our next, #Vedaa with @sharvari, directed by @nikkhiladvani, produced by @zeestudiosofficial, @emmayentertainment & @johnabrahament.” The film also stars Abhishek Bannerjee.
John Abraham and Sharvari to team up
After the critical success of Mrs Chatterjee VS Norway, Zee Studios and Emmay Entertainment have joined forces once again with Vedaa. As the team embarked on this exciting venture, they aim to deliver an edge-of-your-seat cinematic experience. Talking about the same, John Abraham said, “I am looking forward to giving my all for this project. This riveting story will definitely leave an imprint in your mind as it did for me. I am honoured to play the part and excited for kickstarting this journey.”
Sharvari on doing a film with Nikkhil Advani
Sharvari also shared her excitement to be directed by Nikkhil Advani. She said, “Nikkhil sir is one of the most disruptive voices in Indian cinema. I feel lucky to be directed by him so early in my career. I would like to thank him for trusting me with a titular role as Vedaa. It’s a privilege to work with John Abraham and I am sure I will get to learn a lot from him on this journey. I love the entire Emmay Entertainment team and I want to thank them for nurturing me creatively with this film. I’m super excited about filming Vedaa.”
Director Nikkhil Advani and John Abraham are coming together after Batla House. Commenting on this, Nikkhil says, “Post Batla House, John and I were wondering how best to solidify our collaboration. With Vedaa we have found that hard-hitting story that can be elevated to a wider and broader audience with some incredible action. Sharvari is possibly one of the most hard-working actors I have had the pleasure of working with. The way she has got into the skin of the character and has made it her own is so inspiring.”
Directed by Nikkhil Advani & written by Aseem Arora, Vedaa is produced by Zee Studios, Emmay Entertainment and JA Entertainment. The film is currently on floors and is slated to release next year.
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