Kiara Advani turned 31 today. She is celebrating her birthday with husband Sidharth Malhotra. The actress is enjoying her special day to the fullest and her latest video is proof of that. The SatyaPrem Ki Katha actress recently took to her Instagram and treated fans with a video from her vacation with husband Sidharth. In the video, Kiara’s happiness knows no bounds as she enjoys with hubby Sidharth.
Kiara Advani celebrates her birthday with Sidharth Malhotra
In the video shared by Kiara Advani, we see the birthday girl and Sidharth Malhotra taking a dip in the water. The actress is oozing hotness in a monokini. On the other hand, Sidharth is shirtless. Sid and Kiara look the happiest when they are around each other and there’s no denying that.
Kiara shared the video and wrote in the caption, “Happy Birthdayyyyyy to meeee #blessed #grateful for every day and all the love.”
Earlier today, a picture from Kiara’s birthday celebrations went viral on social media. The actress looked beyond happy as she celebrated her birthday with a huge three-tier cake.
On the work front, Kiara was last seen in Sameer Vidwans’ SatyaPrem Ki Katha. The actress was starred opposite Kartik Aaryan in the same. Kiara played the role of Katha in SatyaPrem Ki Katha and won hearts.
The actress will be next seen in Game Changer co-starring Ram Charan. Earlier this year, the makers of Game Changer treated fans with a video which gave a glimpse of what to expect from Ram Charan and Kiara starrer. The makers are yet to reveal Game Changer’s release date. However, fans are excited for the upcoming project.
Talking about Sidharth, he has Yodha and Indian Police Force.
Also Read: Happy Birthday Kiara Advani: Super expensive things owned by the SatyaPrem Ki Katha star