Actor Kriti Sanon bagged the National Award for her performance in Mimi. She shared the win with Alia Bhatt who won the award Best Actor award for Gangubai Kathiawadi. Speaking about her win, Kriti feels that getting a National Award made her secure as an actor. In a candid chat with Bollywood Bubble, Kriti said the National Award was the highest order of validation.
Kriti Sanon speaks about her National Award
The Raabta actor exclusively told us, “I think a performance or a film like Mimi does help because it gives you an opportunity to do a lot more than what people have seen you in. So, I think an opportunity like that doesn’t come very often. I’m still trying to find more, it’s tough. I think the national award is the highest order of validation I could ask for. And I think more than anything else, it made me to some extent secure in my head where I was like ‘Okay, I don’t need to prove myself now I can just have fun’.“
“But at the same time, it gave me the confidence to take risks to not be so worried about where I’m going, and what I’m doing to. Just go with my gut feeling in my heart and not like overthink every other aspect of my choices. All go with what I’m feeling internally. My first instinct that I feel as a person as an actor is that kind of confidence has come in. I don’t know if people have started behaving differently or thinking differently that I don’t know I feel I know I’m thinking differently and that’s about it.” She further added.
Kriti Sanon is now gearing up for Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya with Shahid Kapoor.
Watch the interview here
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