Actor Priyanka Chopra goes down memory lane as she dropped then and now pictures on Instagram. Talking about ‘how it started’ and ‘how it’s going’, Priyanka shared a couple of pictures saying that after all these years, she managed to hold everything together. Her picture has a young 17-year-old posing in a heavy sari and a newly acquired crown that was pinned into her hair with 2 bobby pins. In another picture, PeeCee also shared the latest sexy selfie, showing how it’s going.
Sharing the pictures, the Bajirao Mastani actor said, “How it started.. how it’s going. PS: those 2000s brows tho. My 17-year-old self was just trying to pretend like I belonged. In that moment I was desperately trying to keep it together. With the weight of the heavy sari and the newly acquired crown flimsily pinned into my hair with 2 bobby pins, my confidence was slowly slipping as well. But I held it together, just like my sari, with a few safety pins.“
Priyanka Chopra shares throwback picture
Priyanka Chopra and her events in India
Last month was an eventful and busy month for Priyanka. She attended the Bvlgari event, organised by the Ambanis followed by a Holi bash with her family and Nick Jonas. Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas and daughter Malti were seen donning white ensembles for the Holi party, looking picture-perfect. She even visited Ram Mandir with her husband Nick and Malti along with her mother Madhu Chopra.
Also read: Priyanka Chopra makes our ankhiyaan gulaab as she stuns in pink at Ambani’s Holi bash