Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon will be seen together in Amit Joshi and Aradhana Sah’s directorial Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya. This is the first time the two talented actors are sharing screen space and we are excited! Ever since the first poster of TBMAUJ was unveiled by the makers, Shahid and Kriti’s chemistry became the talk of the town. The first poster featuring Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon showed them sitting on a bike.
Shahid and Kriti’s chemistry is already a hit
Earlier this month, the TBMAUJ makers released a new poster of the upcoming romantic film. The poster features Shahid and Kriti lovingly posing together. The new poster only proved that the duo look perfect and so hot together. Since then, there has been no denying that their chemistry is on point.
TBMAUJ’s first song ‘Laal Peeli Akhiyaan’ was then released by the makers and it instantly became a hit. Shahid and Kriti’s killer dance moves, unbeatable energy to their sizzling chemistry, Laal Peeli Akhiyaan won hearts for multiple reasons. Shahid and Kriti left the nation grooving to the beats of the perfect party number.
Days after the release of Laal Peeli Akhiyaan, the makers dropped the trailer of TBMAUJ and it gave a glimpse into Shahid-Kriti’s ‘impossible love story’. Once again, Shahid and Kriti’s chemistry did not disappoint. While Kriti plays the role of an AI Robot, Shahid essays the role of a robotics engineer. From their nok-jhok to romantic moments, Shahid and Kriti share an undeniable chemistry in every scene.
Recently, Shahid and Kriti showed their electrifying chemistry in Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya title track and Akhiyaan Gulaab song. The dynamic duo’s chemistry is unmatched. And well, we just can’t wait to witness the magic on the big screen.
Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya is slated to release on 9th February, 2024.
Also Read: Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya: 5 reasons why Shahid Kapoor’s love story with ‘Robo’ Kriti Sanon is the ultimate Valentine’s blockbuster!