Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan Prevue was unveiled on Monday. The two-minute long video is full of action and entertainment. Shah Rukh Khan sports different avatars in Jawan. And well, King Khan pulls off every look with ease. The video also gives us a glimpse of Nayanthara. The Lady Superstar looks badass. Fans can’t wait to see her opposite SRK in Jawan.
Not only fans, Nayanthara’s husband, director Vignesh Shivan is also beyond excited for the same. With Jawan, Nayanthara makes her Bollywood debut.
Vigesh reacts to Nayanthara starrer Jawan
The filmmaker took to his Instagram Stories and shared his excitement for Jawan directed by Atlee. Vignesh re-shared Jawan Prevue and wrote, “How can you not be proud of @atlee47 when he comes with a banger with his Bollywood debut. Looks international! So much efforts, patience and hard work. A big hug. Hatss off!!.”
Vignesh added, “Congrats to #Nayanthara lookin (hot emoji) dream debut with the King @iamsrk for my Thangam and my king @anirudhofficial killin it sooo well here! Kudos to @actorvijaysethupathi sir @redchillies.color @livingstonruben #VishnuDop @kunalrajan.”
Vignesh Shivan reviews Jawan Prevue
The Jawan Prevue was worth waiting for. It has drama, entertainment and a lot of action. The video gave a glimpse of Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra and Priyamani’s characters.
Deepika Padukone makes a special appearance in the Atlee directorial. She is seen doing an action scene in a red saree. We are excited for Deepika and SRK’s onscreen reunion. They were last seen together in Pathaan which was a box office hit. Apart from that, some fans are convinced that Thalapathy Vijay is also a part of the film.
Gauri Khan is producing Jawan. On the other hand, Jawan will release on 7th September, 2023 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
Watch the video below:
Also Read: Karan Johar calls ‘bhai’ Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan ‘blockbuster’