Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are in the works for their second film together. Nitesh Tiwari‘s adaptation of Ramayana will bring the couple together once again after Brahmastra. According to reports, Yash, the star of KGF, received an offer for the role of Raavan in Nitesh Tiwari’s magnum opus Ramayana, but the actor went on to reject it. The film is set to feature Ranbir Kapoor as Ram and Alia Bhatt as Sita.
Yash declines the role of Raavan
According to ETimes, Yash has turned down the opportunity to portray the character of Raavan in Nitesh Tiwari’s next Ramayana. The insider revealed that the actor is at a crucial stage of his career, and has chosen to steer clear of negative roles. Meanwhile, Yash is diligently preparing for his 19th film and is determined not to let down his fans by stepping into the shoes of an antagonist.
Alia Bhatt spotted outside Nitesh Tiwari’s office
Last week, On June 9, Alia Bhatt was seen outside Nitesh Tiwari’s office, lending further speculations to the rumours. Rumours suggest that an official announcement regarding the project is likely to be made during the festival of Diwali. Furthermore, it is said that the movie is scheduled to commence filming in December.
Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and Yash upcoming movie
Alia Bhatt is gearing up for her release of Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani alongside Ranveer Singh. The Karan Johar directorial is scheduled to hit theatres on July 28. Additionally, the actress is set to star alongside Priyanka Chopra Jonas, and Katrina Kaif in Jee Le Zaraa. The filming will commence soon.
Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor will be next seen in the movie Sandeep Reddy Vanga film Animal. The movie is set to hit theatres on August 11. On the other hand, Yash has been working on his next film tentatively titled Yash 19.
Also Read: Is Alia Bhatt collaborating with Ranbir Kapoor & Yash for Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayan? Here’s what we know