Actor Alia Bhatt just sent the internet into a meltdown as she shared some pictures with Kareena Kapoor Khan. Alia shared some stunning pictures with her sister-in-law Kareena and we demand a movie ASAP! Though we are not sure what the pictures were all about, it is flipping the internet right now. Not just us, even Karan Johar feels that a film needs to be made with them as leads.
Alia Bhatt shares pics with Kareena Kapoor
Dropping stunning pictures on Instagram, the Brahmastra actor captioned, “Can it get any better. P.S. Can someone please cast us in a film together. Although we may spend most of our time on set reflecting.” Well, hell yeah, we need a movie! Commenting on the post, Karan Johar who is very close to both of them wrote, “We need a film with this cast.” Arjun Kapoor also dropped a comment saying, “Poo square.”
Alia Bhatt and Kareena Kapoor
Image source: Alia Bhatt Instagram
In the pictures, Alia and Kareena are seen wearing ethnic ensembles, looking every bit gorgeous. While Bhatt wore a pastel pink dress, Bebo opted for an ivory-white sequin outfit. Both of their outfits look similar and we wonder if this is for an ad shoot. In the first frame, the Gangubai Kathiawadi actor and Bebo are seen doing their makeup. Whereas the other pic has them posing for a selfie.
Fans reacting to Alia and Kareena’s pics
A fan wrote, “Jab Poo met Shanaya.” While another one said, “Bebo & Rani together on the screen will.” There was one more who commented, “The collab we didn’t know we needed.”
Alia Bhatt has always been very vocal about her admiration for the Laal Singh Chaddha actor. She has often referred to herself as the actress’ biggest fan. In fact, a lot of people also termed her as the second version of Bebo. Nevertheless, seeing them together would really make a blockbuster movie.
Also read: Kareena Kapoor Khan makes a nostalgic birthday wish for Sara Ali Khan as she drops throwback pics with Saif Ali Khan and Jeh