Actor Hazel Keech and her cricketer husband Yuvraj Singh have now welcomed their second child, a baby girl. That’s right! The two took to their Instagram account and announced the arrival of their baby girl while also revealing her name. Hazel shared a family picture where they are seen flashing the bright smiles along with kids. The oicture reveals the face of the baby girl and she is so cute. *Touchwood*.
Sharing the picture, Hazel and Yuvraj mentioned about the sleepless nights that became happiness for them. With the picture, the also announced the name of their baby girl and it is Aura. They captioned the pic with, “Sleepless nights have become a lot more joyful as we welcome our little princess Aura and complete our.”
Hazel Keech and Yuvraj Singh welcome second child
The picture has Yuvraj holding his baby girl in his arms, while Hazel Keech can be seen holding their son Orion Keech Singh. Both of them are seen feeding their kids milk as they strike pose for a selfie.
Hazel Keech and Yuvraj Singh have second child
On mother’s day, the Bodyguard actress penned a beautiful note on her Instagram that was backed with an adorable pic with her son. It read, Thank you for choosing me to be your mother my beautiful boy. You’ve taught me that a mother takes all your shit (and cleans it), stays awake all night to make you comfortable, lets you eat all my food, but most importantly keeps you safe, loved and felt wanted. Thank you Nani for looking after both of us as the supermum you are (and for this photograph). Happy Mothers Day.”
Yuvraj and Hazel got married in a traditional Anand Karaj ceremony on November 30, 2017. Later, they exchanged vows in December, in Goa too. Now, the couple has two beautiful kids and we wish them all the happiness.
Also read: Hazel Keech pens warm note thanking paps at Mumbai airport for ‘not scaring’ her son Orion