Almost, there never been a day where actor Esha Gupta has not treated her fans with her hot pictures. From her stylish sexy looks to her bikini looks, Esha Gupta is a hotness siren whether you admit it or not. The actor always leaves her fans breathless with her look and well, a similar thing has happened today when she was sundaying. Wish our Sunday looked this good as hers.
On Sunday, Esha Gupta took to her Instagram account and dropped a picture of herself in a rusted orange bikini. Considering that she is wearing a two-piece, one would expect her to wear it on the beach. However, she was not wearing a bikini in an elevator and oh boy, she rocked it with so much panache. Taking a mirror selfie, Esha flaunted her toned body in a bikini with a book, hat and black sunnies in her hand. As she took the selfie and posted on her gram, the Jannat 2 actor captioned, “Sundaying.”
Check out Esha Gupta’s bikini photos here:
Meanwhile, Gupta stunned everyone when she walked the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival 2023 for the first time. She made her debut at the festival and ensured to create magic with her outfit. Wearing a sheer off-white gown with flower details on her debut day, Esha managed to impress the fashion police with her fashion. On the other days as well, Esha tried to keep her fashion top-notch. However, after her debut walk, she was seen in different events at Cannes and her looks didn’t have any lasting effect on people.
Nevertheless, Esha spoke about her Cannes 2023 debut as she told us at IIFA 2023, “It was really nice. It was my Cannes debut and it couldn’t have been better. I won’t say it was a dream come true, it felt like a dream.”
Also read: Esha Gupta oozes hotness as she stuns in a sexy blazer jacket, fans call her ‘Desi Kylie Jenner’