Actor and ace designer Masaba Gupta is over the moon as she is expecting her first child with her husband Satyadeep Misra. On Thursday, Masaba Gupta announces her first pregnancy on Instagram with a quirky post. Sharing two pictures of a pregnant woman emoji and a couple of lovestruck emoji, Masaba reveals that ‘Two little feet are on their way to us’. Moreover, she also shared a picture with her husband where she is seen resting her head on him.
Sharing the announcement on Instagram, the fashion designer captioned, “In other news – Two little feet are on their way to us! Please send love, blessings and banana chips (plain salted ONLY) #babyonboard #mom&dad.” Even ‘Nani’ Neena Gupta is ecstatic with the news as she too shared the same picture on her handle. She expressed her happiness sharing, “Humare bacchon ka baccha aane Wala hai. Isse zyada Khushi ki baat Kya ho sakti hai.“
Masaba Gupta announces her first pregnancy
When Masaba said she would never have kids out of wedlock
During an interview with IndianExpress.com in 2022, she revealed that she would never have kids out of wedlock as she doesn’t want to take that extra pressure and put a child in that space.
Masaba said, “Accepting is one thing but what happens behind the scenes is something else. You would pass comments like that she slept with someone and had a baby. I read stories of so many single moms who have had kids out of wedlock. They do have to deal with whispers and people talking behind their backs. Nothing has changed with time. Being a modern woman, do I have the guts to have a baby out of wedlock? Never. I don’t want to take that extra pressure, and put a child in that space.”
The Masaba Masaba actor got married to Satydeep Misra in an intimate wedding on January 27, 2023. A year later, the couple is all set to embrace parenthood and we can’t wait to see her baby bump photos.
Also read: Masaba Gupta and Satyadeep Misra spell love in FIRST PICS as a married couple