Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan released in the theatres on 7th September. King Khan has delivered a terrific performance as Vikram, as well as Azaad Rathore in the film. The Atlee directorial also stars Nayanthara as a cop, Vijay Sethupathi as an antagonist, Deepika Padukone as SRK’s character Vikram’s mother. Apart from them, Ridhi Dogra, Sanya Malhotra, Eijaz Khan, and Priyamani are also a part of the film. Since its release, Jawan has been winning hearts.
For the uninitiated, SRK starrer has already entered Rs 500 crore mark at the global box office. Given the craze, the numbers are expected to grow in the coming days. As netizens continue to enjoy Jawan in the theatres, it is now being reported that the OTT rights of the film have already been sold.
Jawan OTT release details:
According to Free Press Journal, Jawan’s rights have been sold to Netflix for a whopping Rs 250 crore. Reportedly, Jawan will release on OTT after around 40-65 days of the film’s release. Well, the makers are yet to release an official statement regarding the same.
SRK as Vikram and Azaad in Jawan has impressed the netizens. From his action scenes to chemistry with Nayanthara-Deepika Padukone and face-off with Vijay Sethupathi, Jawan is making headlines for the right reasons. For the uninitiated, Shah Rukh Khan has worked with Vijay and Nayanthara for the first time. With Jawan, Nayanthara has made her Bollywood debut. And well, she has absolutely killed it.
On the other hand, Ridhi Dogra has played the role of SRK’s mother figure in Jawan. The actress earlier revealed that she initially said ‘no’ to Jawan but thanks to Atlee, she accepted the role and took it as a challenge.
Jawan is receiving love from all across the world. Recently, Akshay Kumar heaped praises on SRK’s performance in Jawan.
Atlee has directed Jawan with Gauri Khan producing it. Jawan released in three languages – Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. So far, it has collected Rs 574.89 crores at the global box office.
Also Read: Jawan box office: 7 records created by Shah Rukh Khan’s mass actioner within 4 days of its release