Actor Rakul Preet Singh gets everyone excited whenever she makes a post on social media. Right from flaunting her sartorial fashion choices to her bikini looks, Rakul Preet Singh is one hot diva. Speaking of which, on Friday, Rakul took to her Instagram account and dropped a few pictures of her bikini. And the internet can’t seem to handle it.
In the pictures, Rakul Preet Singh was seen wearing a stylish yellow bikini as she was seen enjoying her time at the beach. She paired her bikini with a chequered hat and black sunnies. Wearing the bright yellow bikini, the De De Pyaar De actor looked like a ray of sunshine. In one of the pictures, we also got to see her playing with the sea at the beach. Sharing pictures on social media, Rakul captioned, “Chirpy and happy.”
Rakul tantalize fans with her bikini pics
Reacting to her post, a fan commented, “Looking fabulous” while another one said, “Extreme hottness”. There was one more who wrote, “Too hot to handle.” Rakul is currently vacationing in the Maldives. And going by her pictures, she is undoubtedly having a ball time on the tropical islands.
Earlier, in an episode of The Habit podcast, she revealed her backup plan if acting did not work out for her. She said, “When I moved to Bombay. I was 20 and that’s it. I’m a Maths graduate, so I told myself I will give it (acting) a try for 2 years and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll get back to my studies. That’s the reason I completed my graduation. The first film happened when I was in college.”
Meanwhile, only recently, Singh showcased a banging performance at the prestigious award IIFA 2023. Her performance was a tribute to the black-and-white era.
Also read: Rakul Preet Singh has a unique workout style and we are so rooting for this- WATCH